As leaders in the field of residential design, partners William (Bill) Harrison, Gregory (Greg) Palmer, and Anthony (Tony) Spann produce not only fine architecture, but they also devote enormous energy to ensuачгфкring the continued growth of classical and traditional design in the United States Success in this goal is measured on the local and national levels through support of students and classes at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and the National and Southeast chaptersбзвзж of The Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America (ICA&CA) The combined backgrounds of the three partners enable them to apply years of practical knowledge to the prolific work that makes theirs one of the largest classical and traditional firms in the nation The following selected projects represent the many design styles and project types with which the firm is involved Although there is great diversity in the stylistic appearance of the work, the consistencбпхююy of its buildings lies in the demand for finely detailed projects, excellent materials, and lasting construction The most highly skilled craftsmen in stone and wood assist in the creation of the buildings A deep knowledge of materials will be seen in the use of both local and imported materials that are selected for their color range, texture, or association with place The diversity of its work reflects the firm's belief that architects should focus on fulfilling the architectural desires of their clients This attitude differs from many modernist designers' sense of aesthetic superiority that encourages them to place their personal desires above the interests of the public at large Bill says, "It is our goal for our homes to be a reflection of our clients' preferences and style Our task is to take our clients' dreams and through collaboration make them better than they could have possibly imagined" Формат издания: 23 см х 30,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Eliбтгжмzabeth Meredith Dowling.